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What is Tauri Covid-19 Digital
Vaccine Record Verify?

TAURI Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record Verify provides an instant verification scan result to your digital copy of COVID 19 vaccine record. To use this vaccine record checker, you must retrieve your vaccination record in a QR Code format. The vaccine record QR code displays information such as vaccination type, date and location to validate the authenticity of the vaccination record of your visitors providing an extra layer of protection. TAURI Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record Verify automatically speeds up the check-in process at trade shows, museums, hotels, restaurants and bars, shops, etc.

Digital vaccine record verify

Digital Vaccine Record Verify
safety first

Verify COVID-19 vaccination records of visitors and customers checking into your place of business and venues automatically with a vaccine record QR code scanner.

Tauri Vaccine Record Verification validates vaccination records

Make sure the vaccine records of people who enter the premises are valid and directly issued from Government authorities.

Color coded results

You can quickly see whether your visitors are being Vaccine Verified, Partially verified or Not Verified.

Speed up process of checking in

TAURI Vaccine Record Verify is the best tool for instant results to know if your visitors have been vaccinated or not - avoid line ups and crowds!

Three sizes to choose from

10 inch, 15.6 inch and 21.5 inch.

Optional features: Temperature checking and Mask checking with reminder message

digital vaccine record verify

Which digital vaccine records are recognized?

vaccine verify
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Canada (British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Alberta, Ontario, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Quebec)*

USA (New York, Hawaii, California, Virginia, Louisiana, New Jersey, Utah, Colorado, Washington)*

*Framework standards may vary depending on provinces and states, please check with your local authority

vaccine verify
vaccine verify California state

Please fill out the required fields to receive a link to a QR code and digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record:

vaccine verify europe
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European National authorities are in charge of issuing the certificate. The digital version of vaccine record can be stored on a mobile device.  A QR code that contains essential information, as well as a digital signature are to  ensure the certificate is authentic.

vaccine verify vaccination verification

State of California

  1. Visit this link

  2. Fill in your First and Last Name, Date of birth, phone number or email

  3. You will receive your digital vaccine record

  4. Simply Scan the QR Code to Tauri Vaccine Record Verify to validate record’s authenticity

vaccine verify vaccination verification

EU Digital COVID Certificate

  1. How to get certificate should be provided by National Health Authorities of the member states.

  2. Digital QR Code with digital signature Version can be stored on mobile device

  3. Simply Scan the QR Code to Tauri Vaccine Record Verify to validate record’s authenticity

What info is displayed on Tauri Vaccine Record Verify?


  • Your legal name and date of birth

  • Tests: date, manufacturer, and result

  • Vaccinations: type, date, and location


Your phone number

Your address

Your government-issued identifier

Any other health information

Where can  Vaccine Record
Verify be used?

Will TAURI Vaccine Record Verify protect my privacy?


Your vaccination history and/or test results are stored directly on your mobile phone as a 2D barcode (QR code) or file that you control.


Sharing your mobile phone or QR Code  is completely up to you​.


All datas is encrypted for protection against privacy.


There is no data stored on the Glory Star Products, it is all stored on your phone.

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