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[facilitate Magazine] Long term security and safety management ensured with TAURI temperature tablets

JULY 2020
CDS Staff
The use of temperature-checking devices has increased tenfold since the outbreak of the coronavirus. For instance, Amazon has been using thermal cameras to check over 100,000 employees a day since April 2.
SPONSORED CONTENT: Crystal Display Systems is partnering with Glory Star to help ensure security and safety as the world attempts to resume normal working life.
The use of temperature-checking devices has increased tenfold since the outbreak of the coronavirus. For instance, Amazon has been using thermal cameras to check over 100,000 employees a day since April 2.
In February, one of the largest case studies on coronavirus symptoms involving 56,000 laboratory confirmed patients and conducted by WHO, proved that over 88 per cent developed fever as a symptom – 20 per cent more than symptoms of coughing and shortness of breath. WHO heavily encourages early screening procedures, such as a temperature checks in order to detect symptomatic patients and to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. In this troubled time, customers and employees are counting on their employers and stores and venues to look out for their safety.
CDS and Glory Star are strongly supporting the government's advice to stay at home where possible to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As lockdown is eventually lifted and life slowly adapts to the new realities of social distancing and enhanced levels of hygiene and symptom awareness, CDS has introduced a new product to its range that it hopes will give some reassurances to workplaces and public spaces such as shops and leisure venues.
The TAURI by Glory Star, a temperature-sensing tablet, is an adaptation to CDS’ existing range of distributed commercial tablet devices, by the addition of a thermal imaging camera system to monitor the temperature of staff and visitors.
'Out of the box' defence
Coupled with a simple app and a locked-down operating system, the solution gives a standalone ‘out of the box’ first layer of defence, zero-contact, automatic temperature sensing system at the entrance to a premises or threshold.
TAURI works as a self-verification tablet on entry to a premises; the system monitors the temperature and informs the user of the result visually on the screen alongside an image of the user and a thermal map from the camera, increasing hygiene and safety as no physical contact is necessary.
TAURI, using advanced German infrared technology, can check a person’s body temperature in under three seconds and within three feet of the monitor. This is achieved without touching a screen, reducing the need for an inefficient and potentially infectious thermometer. A beep and red light indicates the temperature is too high and a green light when the temperature is acceptable. Further optional functionality includes Mask Detection, overt temperature email alerts, and the option for facial identification (subject to activation).
The system is calculated with an algorithm for object heat and constantly calibrates to the ambient environment – with fast-detection temperature accuracy, tolerance at +- 0.3 degree Celsius, and with a refresh rate at 64Hz for increased efficiency.
TAURI tablets are standalone automatic systems that are simple and intuitive to operate with Android 7.1, integrated connection and are available in four sizes – 7”, 10.1″, 15″ and 21.5″.
The future is promising for TAURI with plans of software upgrade options that will include customised flagging, capacity counting, advertising, and reporting.
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